About the Vision Team

The ABCO team works with many of America's most influential long-distance CLEC, and Internet VOIP companies. Our diverse experience includes the management of various corporate departments encompassing technical design, installation, management, and administration of all toll-free service demands. We provide technical management of telco services for thousands of toll-free numbers and their related services.

What Drives the Vision Team

Customer Service: the key to all business success is the quality of service delivered. We often hear from the most competent account executives about their inability to meet the demands of their clients because of limits placed on them by their corporate structure. The ABCO team brings together marketing packages our competitors don�t have, or have the ability to offer.

People of our Vision Team

The core of our Vision Team has worked together in the telecom industry for over 50 accumulative years. Other team members have been associated with clients from companies that have merged. The total understanding and experience of the ABCO team accommodates all telco related industry demands, and moves quickly to adapt to the ever constant telco changes- adding to the full benefit of all ABCO clients.

History of ABCO

Our motive is simple; we provide the best client service from our combined ABCO team. ABCO clients have access to resources and experience unequaled in any similar industry. We are committed to quick response and customer satisfaction. Our references speak for themselves. We invite you to join our list of satisfied clients.

Multi-Carrier Services

Client access to the most extensive supply of telecommunications services ever assembled from one source.

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Strategic Vision

Since 1990, our Vision Team has provided telecommunication expertise. ABCO has strong long-term relationships with almost all LD and CLEC carriers.

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Less Cost Direction & Management

ABCO is involved in the acquisition and telco management of many of America's largest corporations.

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